This document describes how to install the rSTWeb system.
Of course you must have Python installed. But apart from that you must have the following Python modules installed in order to use rSTWeb:
- The Cheetah Templating system, which you may download from
- The soon to become standard Python docutils, which are available at:
Please refer to the respective documentation for instructions on how to install these modules.
This is very easy since at this moment rSTWeb consists of nothing more than one Python script and one default Cheetah template. You may
put them anywhere you choose on your system. Just make sure you can execute
You call from the commandline like this: site-sources/ site/ template.tmpl
Where site-sources/ is the directory where your sources are and site/ is the directory where the generated html files will be
rSTWeb comes with a default template, but you may edit this as you whish.
That's all.